
Out On A Drive

Today was beautiful.  The sun was ducking in and out from behind the clouds which made for wonderful fast changing light.  Days like this are 'contrast' rich which is fun and challenging.  The only downside to the day was the chilly temperatures, I swear every time I stepped out of the truck my hands turned to ice.  Anyways, here are a couple photos that I liked from the day.

As of late I have tried to think about perspective more.  So, I thought why not take a photo from the viewpoint of stripes on the road.  Does it work, maybe.  It is definitely something different compared to how most of my images look.

The second photo was just random.  The light was fading fast and I was on my way home, still cold I might add.  When I saw this old fellow it was a WTF moment.  My first thought was this guy has to be freezing, as I got closer you could see the chill in his bright red face.  I pulled off to the side of the road a little ways ahead of him and waited as he approached.  You can't see it in the photo but in his left hand he was holding his groceries, the nearest store was 4-5 miles away.  When I offered the gentlemen a ride home he kind of chuckled and said "I'm okay, I have only got another 1/2 mile to go". 


  1. Love these pictures

  2. Old fellah is wonderful! wish i could ride along with him:) nice shot.
